DOCTOR WHO Dalek Sec & Judoon Helmets Review – Plus A Bonus!

From Doctor Who and made by Character Options, we bring you the Dalek Sec Voice Changer Helmet and the Judoon Sound FX Helmet! Awesome props for the Doctor Who collector and fan! Plus a bonus voice changer helmet that we reviewed before, the Cyberman!

Peypocalypse does this review and demonstrates the good, bad and the stuff that takes effort with these helmets. Dalek Sec was a Human Dalek who met up with the 10th Doctor in Doctor Who. The Judoon are an intergalactic police force who is heavy handed and heavily horned, but wear black helmets that can be quite intimidating. And of course, we all remember the Cybermen. You can become these aliens from Doctor Who with these special helmets!

To find the Dalek Sec Helmet on eBay (if available), click this link.

To find the Judoon Sound FX helmet on eBay (if available), click this link.

To find the Cyberman Voice Changer helmet on eBay (if available), click this link.

Blush graphic obtain from – Thanks to MattThyAndroid

About Peyton DeSanta

Peyton is an experianced model and cosplayer. She specializes in foam smithing and rigging things together on a tight budget. She's been video editing for 10 years and aspires to work on music videos and documentaries. The loves of her life are her pet rats who she's considered making young cosplayers.

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